
Transitioning seasonal training plans

 In Faster Masters Rowing Radio

Transitioning seasons to Winter / Summer | Tips, advice and discussion from Marlene Royle and Rebecca Caroe.

01:00 What are season transitions in rowing? When you have completed any training period there is a transition that follows.
Give yourself some recovery time and down time.
03:50 what is base level training?
Lower intensity for aerobic work. Include cross training. When changing activities – be careful to do this gradually. It is new for your muscles.
07:00 Beware gardening – any intense yard work can injure you. Stacking firewood – it’s the unusual positions you get into when raking, chopping wood.
12:10 Getting back on the erg.
Workout I – do a ten minute warmup. 15 minutes continuous rowing + stretch 10 minutes continuous.
Week 2 move to 20 minutes continuous rowing + 10 minutes after the stretch.
Week 3 move to 2×20 minutes
Week 4 do 30 minutes continuous. Then build up gradually towards 45 or 60 minutes rowing.
17-30 Do several weeks erging before doing a test of any type.
19:00 Things to work on for yourself.
Muscle imbalances, stiff hamstrings. Use our Functional Movement Assessment free course to get 10 physical tests for your personal mobility.

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