The Rowing Network education
The Rowing Network is a coach education website set up by Community Rowing Inc in conjunction with Rowing Australia led by Matt Lehrer and Ron Batt.
Listen to RowingChat with The Rowing Network on SoundCloud

Matt Lehrer
Timestamps to the interview
01:00 Introduction and background in rowing
06:00 The inspiration for the Rowing Network
08:00 Coach educator traditional role
09:00 The Challenge in coaching – learning from another coach and mentoring
11:00 Foundation of CRI is rowing for all. Coaches are the touchpoint for us. Everyone is coached.
14:00 Pathways after learn to row – two tracks
17:00 How we became a community rowing club.

Ron Batt
24:00 Setting up the learn to row paradigm. How do coaches come in and choose to stay in the sport?
26:00 Guided tour of the The End Goals for your coaching.
28:00 Level 1 rowing accreditation for a beginner coach
39:00 Why CRI got into coach education. You have to do it all the time to develop knowledge. Other sports don’t do this. Rowing is leading the way in teaching how to be a coach.
47:00 The future for coach education. Ways to spread knowledge – Online learning.
53:00 Indoor rowing as a pathway to the water.
Watch RowingChat with the Rowing Network on YouTube