Oliver Zeidler
Oliver Zeidler is the sculling phenomenon racing for Germany as their single sculler, in his second year after learning to row!

Oliver Zeidler Germany 1x.
Photo credit: Row360
Timestamps to the show
0:00 Introductions and background in rowing
2:00 The semi final at the World Championships 2018
5:00 I come from a family of rowers going back to my grandfather
9:00 My transition to rowing – I took a month off and realised I needed to do sport
12:00 My father is my coach “I hate it when I fail in something”
18:00 My first World Cup race in 2018
23:00 Was my early success just luck?
27:00 The world cup final – stroke by stroke
31:00 My strongest asset is my motivation – when something isn’t working
33:00 My favourite drills – I really enjoy doing high intensity 2ks
35:00 Ambition is to be the German Champion
42:00 Watching races on video