
Mahe Drysdale on athlete unions

 In RowingChat

Mahe is leading The Athletes Co-operative who are bringing an employment case against High Performance Sport New Zealand. He discusses the issues around giving athletes a voice in elite sport.

Show notes
Our goals are to balance the power out.
We want input to athlete welfare and to be respected and valued.
When you see wasteful decisions, you can’t effect changes and that’s frustrating.
Athletes are not employed – their grant is conditional on signing a contrat where athletes give up many rights.
Rugby players in New Zealand are employees but cricketers are independent contractors.
In the Olympic sports we are one of the first to seek this.
FISA consults athletes as it affects fairness in racing. That should be an athlete decision not just a “voice” without decision making ability.

Our legal case is a public hearing on 9th February 2023 in Wellington, New Zealand.

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