
Ready, Row! USA #1 – Masters, Women, Para, USR & More!

 In Ready Row USA

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Ready, Row! USA.

Today we have the honor of hosting panelists:

  • Mark Wilson, Co-Director with Jim Dietz, of the All American Rowing Camp in DeLand, FL and a speaker for the US Rowing 2018 Convention Masters Track, and someone who clearly enjoys messing about in boats!
  • Ellen Minzner, Community Rowing/Boston, Director of Outreach and US National Team Para \Coach. (3:12)

Host & producer Charlotte Pierce runs the Pierce Press publishing company and rows out of Community Rowing/Boston.

US ROWING CONVENTION PREVIEW (Mark Wilson) Preview of Dec. 2018 USR convention; How USR is evolving to meet needs of all rowers (women, youth, para, younger (time 7:12) & older masters); personnel developments; exciting sessions to attend at convention. Para & women’s perspective from Ellen. (11:55)

COASTAL ROWING (Mark Wilson) Brief intro of the sport and the growth in North America; how it differs from flat water racing and recreational sculling. Intro to the equipment, manufacturers like Swift, Filippi (though bigger, coastal boats are half the cost of racing shells). Where can you find opportunities and programs. Perspective on coastal rowing from para & women’s perspective by Ellen (15:20). (18:55)

WOMEN’S & PARA (Ellen Minzner) Trends, news, program developments. Increases in inclusion events are a big plus, recently USOC has equaled the medal bonuses for the Olympic and Paralympic athletes (previously paralympians received one-fifth the medal bonus); Grace, Grit and Glory event, Jan 26 at Community Rowing in Boston. parity in Paralympic medal payments; preview of Grace, Grit & Glory (21:17); manufacturers of para equipment; women’s lightweight developments.

Ready, Row! USA series text, graphics, audio, and video © by Pierce Press; all rights reserved.

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  • Julie Brown

    Sarasota County Rowing Club is hosting the Sarasota Invitational Regatta at Nathan Benderson Park on Feb. 22-24. Come on down and thaw out! Masters race on Sunday, Vespoli, Resolute and Hudson can help you with rentals. Check out the SIR and SCRC websites for more information.

    • Charlotte Pierce

      Thanks, Julie! We plugged #Sarasota in yesterday’s podcast also.

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