The Rowing App

The Rowing App features coaching tools including a stroke rate timer, pace calculator, VO2max calculator, stopwatches, and more. It also provides coaches with the ability to manage their boats and roster while building daily lineups and recording workouts.
- Manage Your Fleet – Add fleet info from your entire boathouse into the app. Log information like boat class, rig, length, notes, and more.
- Track Your Roster – Keep track of your rowers within the app. Record information like position, height, weight, contact info, notes, and more.
- Build Daily Lineups – Select from your fleet and roster to build daily lineups with ease. • Export your lineups as images directly to your rowers and coaching staff.
- Record Workouts – Easily log a workout for a rower or an entire lineup. Add notes to keep track of how they performed.
Coaching Tools:
- Pace Calculator – Easily switch between calculating pace, distance, or 500m split given a pair of values.
- VO2max Calculator – Measure your rower’s capacity for aerobic work by calculating the amount of oxygen their body is capable of utilizing in one minute.
- Multiple Stopwatches – Add and run multiple stopwatches at a time. One for every boat you have at the starting line.
- Stroke Rate Timer – Keep your eyes on the boat and not your phone. Tap anywhere on the screen to record a stroke.
- Watts Converter – Determine power in watts or average pace per 500 meters when converting from watts to pace.
- Weight Adjustment Calculator – Compare your athlete’s potential in a measurable way by taking into account their body weight.
- Erg Scanner – Scan and export workout data from multiple Concept 2 monitors at a time.